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Hi, I'm Riccardo

Git in pratica

Video tutorial, with presentation on everyday git use and commands
git in pratica logo

I already presented on this blog git, the SCM (Software, Configuration, Manager) of choiche. Last time, I made a simple introdutory tutorial on the system, showing its potential, but I didn't dwell enough on the everyday use. I decided to organize another talk in which all day use and commands were the center of the conversation.

Video recap

This time, I chose to record myself talking, instead of only providing presentation material. So, here it is, the video recap of the evening.


The presentation being shown in the video is provided below.

Download the presentation or watch it fullscreen.

Useful information

The shell used during the video stream is the fish shell.

If you desire an informative prompt about the situation of the git repository in the current directory, you have a couple of viable options.

If you want to have the alias hist, in order to use the command git hist as in the video, you should download the file gitconfig and copy it at $HOME/.gitconfig.