Cookie policy
As you can probably imagine, this site is hosted on the cloud.
The author posts from Italy, so it has to abide to Italian laws about privacy.
With reference to the legislative measure "Individuazione delle modalità semplificate per l'informativa e l'acquisizione del consenso per l'uso dei cookie" of May 8, 2014 (published onto the Official Journal no. 126 of June 3, 2014) characteristics and aims of cookies used throughout this site are described specifically and analitically.
First-part cookies
This website, "Hi, I'm Riccardo", from now on only "site", does not use any first-part profiling cookies; the only cookie used is considered technical and ironically, serves the scope to make the site remember you accepted this cookie policy.
Third-part cookies
On the other side, third-part cookies, either technical or profiling, may be served on this site (but an attempt is made to keep them at a minimum). If you want to learn more about their cookie policy, refer to their website.
Further info
More information on how to protect your online privacy (for European countries) can be found at Your Online Choices.
Some links to relevant third-party policies are put here for convenience: